If you upload a video to YouTube that includes any copyrighted music from Track Club and the copyright owner (in this case, the artist or label) submits a legal takedown request, you may receive a copyright strike. A copyright strike includes both a strike against your YouTube account and the removal of your video with copyrighted music.

YouTube’s automated system scans for copyrighted music upon upload. If it finds any, a Content ID Claim is sent from YouTube on behalf of the person or organization that owns the copyright to the music you included in your video, and notifies the copyright owner. If the copyright owner then completes a valid legal takedown request, you’ll receive a copyright strike and your video will be removed. This ensures that YouTube is complying with copyright law.

A copyright strike is different from a Content ID Claim.

You can avoid copyright strikes by using a subscription music service like Track Club. Learn more about copyright strikes on YouTube here.